Contact Franklin Marine

Contact us for friendly, expert advice for all your boating and fishing needs.

Visit the shop to browse our large range of goods, and to pat the dogs!

Meet The Team

Ian – Owner

With a history sailing tall ships in South Australia, Ian moved to Tasmania in 2015 and took over Franklin Marine in 2017.
As patron of the Huon Yacht Club and Chair of Geeveston Town Hall Association, when Ian’s not at the shop he is an engaged member of the Huon Valley community.

Neil – Admin

Some say that Neil came with the building, having been with Franklin Marine since its founding by the previous owner in 2011. When Ian took over, Neil stayed with the business, focussed on admin and chinwagging with the local regulars.

Tiger, Lily and Lulu

Always ready to greet you at the door, and ready for you to greet them with pats galore!
The “secret sauce” of Franklin Marine, the dogs are the real brains behind the operation.